on Jordan’s banks the Baptist’s cry

on Jordan’s bank . VID

  • On Jordan’s bank, the Baptist’s cry
    Announces that the Lord is nigh;
    Awake, and hearken, for he brings
    Glad tidings of the King of kings

  • Then cleansed be every christian breast
    And furnished for so great a Guest.
    Yea, let us each our hearts prepare
    For Christ to come and enter there.

  • For Thou art our Salvation, Lord,
    Our Refuge, and our great Reward.
    Without Thy grace we waste away,
    Like flowers that wither and decay.

  • To heal the sick stretch out Thine hand,
    And bid the fallen sinner stand;
    Shine forth, and let Thy light restore
    Earth’s own true lovliness once more.

  • All praise, eternal Son, to Thee
    Whose advent sets Thy people free,
    Whom, with the Father, we adore,
    And Holy Ghost, forevermore. AMEN