Joy is the echo of God’s life within us

Christ, Light of the Soul

by Blessed Columba Marmiam

on Prayer

It is not merely as creatures, that we speak to God, but as Children with our Heavenly Father; coming before Him to adore and praise Him, to tell Him of our love, to learn to know His will and to attain from Him the necessary help to accomplish His will…

Prayer only really begins at the moment when the will, set on fire with love, enters supernaturally into contact with Divine Good, yielding itself lovingly to God in order to please Him and fulfill His precepts and desires.

“These remain, faith, hope and love
and the greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor. 13:13

Faith gives place to the vision of God,
Hope vanishes in the possession of God,
Love remains and unites us to God…
Grace here below, glory above!

